It’s hard to believe that just a few hundred years ago, we were relying on animals in order to travel in a semi-efficient manner. While we have moved far beyond the need for a horse and buggy, people are still looking for alternative ways to travel. Thanks to the influence that technology and modern computing has had on the world, viable driving and car options continue to flourish in real-time. Today, we are going to be discussing a few of those popular alternatives in case you find yourself without access to your own vehicle.
Car and Driving Alternatives
Whether you are choosing to stop driving for the environment or for your wallet, a realistic alternative will have to take its place. We live in a connected world, it is no longer possible to completely get away from the need to travel. With that being said, what kind of options are realistic and available to you? What services can actually help you get to where you need to be when you need to be there?
1) Rideshare Applications – The technological revolution has hit the automobile industry in a big way. Nowadays, it is possible to order a car directly to wherever you are. Thanks to social ridesharing applications like Uber and Lyft, you can get a taxi on demand with the press of a button from your phone. This is a great way to get to where you need to go without having to worry about planning ahead. The downside to a program like this is the fact that fare can become quite expensive over time. These applications are a great backup option to have on your phone.
2) Inride – As technology shifts the way we interface with one another, it also changes how we spend our money. Inride is a new alternative to traditional vehicle services. Inride is a short-term rental service that gives drivers the chance to take home a temporary vehicle for a single flat rate. That flat rate will cover repairs, maintenance, and insurance. The service promises to provide drivers multiple car options from the comfort of their app. Once a vehicle has been selected, the car will be delivered right to the person who ordered it. Right now, Inride serves only Washington D.C. and Baltimore, but expansions are being planned for the future. Short-term leases are going to become increasingly popular as the automotive industry continues to change and evolve.
3) Public Transit – If you want to skip out on the rideshare applications, you can take it old school by relying on public transit. If you live in a major urban area, you should be able to access public transit schedules and systems from the comfort of your home. In fact, some cities go as far as providing swipe cards that can be used on trains and buses. Research your local area to find out more.
There is no reason to be constrained by travel options in 2019 and beyond. From conventional riding applications and public transit services to systems like Inride, the options are seemingly endless!