Automotive spray paint is used on automobiles for both protection as well as decorative purposes. Modern paints are applied on the automobile in several layers with a total thickness of around 0.1mm. The painting process requires a fair amount of preparation and a proper application to last long. First a primer coat is applied to the base metal followed by a base coat and then a clear coat of paint is applied to make it glossy.
This is usually a complicated process but only a handful of automotive paint brands in India make this work easier. They house all the components that one might need for using and applying automotive spray paint in one single customised kit like Com-paint. Their prime product is the value pack kit for cars which is available in multiple shades. You can choose the specific colour as per the brand of your car, the model year and the particular colour variant will be yours to use.
These automotive spray paintkits are the best and complete solution for your touch ups due to scratches or any other minor accidents. These kits contain all the things you might need to do a quality job that brings back your scratched car back to its prime condition. With the items available in this kit you will be able to reach all of the most inaccessible parts of the paint which need your attention and detailing.
The automotive spray paint in these kits is colour matched through a computer to the exact shade of your car and one should have no problem to get it to match perfectly with the rest of the car. There could be instances when after one spray on the affected area, you may feel that the colour does not match. They keep their paint on purpose at a lighter tone.
But if you follow the directions on the kit and spray the area keeping it at the right distance, the paint coats will build up slowly and give you the perfect match. This will let you achieve the darkness of shade that you require by slowly bringing up the tone through a coat buildup which will help with protecting your car as well.
This kit contains a can of the selected colour of 120 gms, a can of finishing solvent spray of 120 gms, two tubes of fillers to be applied as per the directions of 50 gms each, a metal applicator and two emery pads of 400 and 2500 grits each. The kit also contains a step by step manual with a video to help you with the entire process.
Their automotive spray paint kit is unique amongst all of the automotive paint brands in India by being a quick drying paint that provides a smooth and fine finish. This spray kit also has the distinction of being the only automotive spray paint kit that is most easy to apply with no extra equipment or products required for application.