Today, it is quite a popular choice to do all the moving yourself by renting a vehicle like a van or a UTE instead of hiring a moving company, and that is mostly because not only your items are going to be more secure as you will probably care more about their condition while packing them yourself, but also because you will save a lot of money.
Choosing the rental provider is where you want to start
It is very important to pick a rental provider that has good reputation when it comes to renting vehicles, as you would not want to rent from someone who rents out vehicles that are not in the best condition, or someone who will overcharge you for the service with some hidden fees once you return the vehicle.
Use boxes
One of the most important things when you decide to move yourself instead of hiring a moving service, is to get stocked up on some boxes beforehand. You can easily obtain all kinds of boxes from local grocery or electronic stores instead of paying for them at a hardware store, as people usually throw the boxes away that are perfectly fine, if not even better for stashing your items for the moving process.
Boxes are a must while moving
Use markers or notes
While you are packing things into boxes, you might want to use some sticky notes or a marker in order to keep track of what is in which box, as you will have a much easier time when it comes to unpacking the same ones later on. The moving process does not involve around packing the items into the UTE vehicle but out of one as well.
Protect your items
If you happen to have some items that are somewhat fragile, wrapping them in bubble wrap or something similar is definitely one of the best things that you can do for those items. Sure, you might have to spend a couple of extra minutes for those items while packing, but it is definitely a much better option than buying a whole new item once you discover that it broke in transport.
Call some friends to help you out
Packing things all by yourself is usually quite slow and boring, as it is not an easy task. If you happen to UTE hire Sydney according to Go With The Gecko bringing a couple of friends along always makes a great story that you will be able to tell later on, and hopefully it is not going to be an embarrassing one where your friend discover some strange things about you while packing your items.
Packing with your friends is always more fun
Final Word
Moving items by hiring a UTE vehicle is certainly going to save you some money when compared to a moving service, and the best part about it is that you will be able to choose when and how you want to do it without having to rely on anyone.