You must have heard this advice literally from everyone- ‘check the service records before buying a used car’. The documented service history also known as the service records is an important item of consideration when purchasing a used car. Apart from the service history, you should perform a free background check of the owner as well. With one simple background check, you can find out all the necessary details that you are looking for!
Reasons why service history is important:
Service history is essential because of the following reasons. Before you make a purchase, make sure you thoroughly check out the service history.
- It is important to know about the prior services– The main reason to find out the previous service history of the car is very obvious: This helps you to know about the previous services of the car that has been performed. Without a proper service history, you will not be able to identify the changes and repairs done to your car or when the last oil change was done. You can then identify when you need to change the oil. You will get ample information regarding the last services done to the brakes, wheels or the battery. This will help you to understand about the longevity of the repaired parts. Do not always rely on the verbal assurance of the owner. It is important to do your homework.
- Reveals good ownership– Secondly, service records serve as a proof that the owner has well maintained the car. A vehicle having proper records signifies that the owner has invested sufficient funds on the vehicle as well as ready to keep the archives around for the following owner. Theverification of a good owner is nearly as significant as the records themselves. If the past proprietor has all the documentation and receipts of the car, it is a sure shot fact that the previous owner has invested heavily in the vehicle’s possession and minded enough to keep the document for the next buyer. The proof of a vehicle service record is a good indicator that you are making your purchase from a reliable owner.
What should you do if there are no service records?
There is nothing to worry about if your owner is unable to give you the service records. Sometimes the owners do not keep a track of the maintenance that they are performing. Sometimes by mistake the records get lost or being thrown out with other trash items. A car with proper documents and service records is always the first priority. However under any unavoidable circumstances, if the owner is unable to show you the records, you can bring an expert mechanic along with you. He will do a thorough investigation of the car and will inform you whether the car is perfect for use or it has got some major defects in it. You can be sure of the condition of the car before actually signing the papers.